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LektroLykesTM  is a neutral tasting, multi-use source of electrolytes that can be used in any situation in which additional sodium, potassium, or bicarbonates could be helpful in rehydration, but without creating a salty and disagreeable taste. When reconstituted in 32 oz. of mineral-free water, the taste of the LektroLykesTM -fortified solution is close to that of natural water yet contains twice the potassium and 30% more sodium than the typical Sport Drinks, as well as containing additional bicarbonates and magnesium.

Directions: Mix each package of LektroLykesTM  in 32 oz. of mineral free water. Allow to dissolve completely. The taste of the solution as reconstituted is close to that of natural water but additional flavoring can be added if desired.

  • Composition: Electrolyte Packet
  • Packaging: 1 Packet
  • Categories: Oral Rehydration Packet
  • Dose: One packet dissolved in 32 oz. water or other beverage.

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